Advice and recommendations concerning financial policy, control of financial flows and its adaptation to operational needs,
Assistance in the preparation and development of annual budgets and financial programs,
Assistance in the implementation of provisional development plans,
Advice relating to financing of planned investments,
Advice and recommendations on cash management.
Advice on the implementation of strategy and commercial policy,
Advice on commercial development (i.e. organic and/or through external growth)
Assistance canvassing new brands,
Assistance in the development of new territories,
Assistance in implementing the advertising strategy.
Advice and recommendations concerning the rationalization of services distributed by the Beneficiary,
Assistance and advice on cost reduction and optimization,
Assistance in the management of the functional and technical roadmap,
Identification of new partners and technical service providers (e.g. IT)
Provision of permanent information on legal aspects which may have a direct or indirect impact on the activity carried out by the Beneficiary
Maintaining mandatory legal documents and legal management of social life,
Legal security and optimization of the company's activity company on aspects of unfair competition and business law in general,
Information on developments in company law and implementation of necessary adaptations.